Could you or should I say “we”, imagine the world without teachers? It is said to be true that “Without teachers, there would be no other professions.
T-errifying but
they are the one who motivates me and help in all I do.
in their own special way.
talents and awesome knowledge on things.
C-reative ways of teaching us, students, or
alternative ways in making every lesson enjoyable and at the same time we could
learn things.
H-onorable and
well-respected teachers of the world today.
E-xaggerated. Very
well said, but exaggerated in another way, like in the field of caring and
loving us students. They don’t want to fail us to fail and if we do they are
the one’s there to help us, motivate and challenge us to strive harder.
R-emarkable. Teachers
are special in their own special way. Each one of them leaves a special mark in
this world.
My teachers are my motivators in the things I do when i'm about to give up in life. They are the new generations of Superman and Wonderwoman. Our second parents.
They are the bow and I am their arrow. They are the one's helping me to reach and achieve my target and goals in life.
Bow and Arrow.
My Teacher, My Hero.